Scope of anatomy and physiology

Chapter 1. Scope of anatomy and physiology, basic terminologies used in this subject Question Answer Bank

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Chapter 1 Scope of anatomy and physiology, basic terminologies used in this subject


1.Define Anatomy and Physiology?


Anatomy is (the study of the structure of the body) the branch of science that studies the physical structure of a human body. Physiology is (the study of the functioning of living things) the branch of biology that deals with the internal workings of living things, including functions such as metabolism, respiration, and reproduction.

2.Define anatomical position, sagittal plane?


The erect position of the body with the face directed forward, the arms at the side, and the palms of the hands facing forward, used as a reference in describing the relation of body parts to one another. A sagittal plane is an anatomical plane that divides the body into right and left parts. The plane may be in the centre of the body and split it into two halves (mid-sagittal) or away from the midline and split into unequal parts (para-sagittal).

3.Mention the descriptive terms used in Anatomy?


• Median plane-the vertical plane which divides the body into left and right halves
• Paramedian-any plane parallel to the median or sagittal plane
• Coronal plane-any vertical plane at right angles to the median plane
• Transverse plane-any plane at right angles to both median and coronal planes
• Oblique-any other planes than transverse, coronal, sagittal, etc
• Medial-closer to the midline of the body
• Lateral-further from the midline of the body
• Anterior-nearer the front surface of the body
• Posterior-nearer the rear surface of the body

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