RecNotes @recnotes-request 2 months ago 56 Reputation ActivityProfileQ&AFriends 6Groups 0 QuestionsAnswersReputations Received an upvote March 16, 2021 10 Received an upvote March 16, 2021 10 Posted an answer What is the stereochemistry of Sn2?Alkaline hydrolysis of primary alkyl halides is one of the best examples of SN2 reaction. In this ,nucleophile attacks from back side of the substrate , i.e. side opposite to the leaving group . Hence... March 16, 2021 5 Asked a question What is the stereochemistry of Sn2?What is the stereochemistry of Sn2? March 16, 2021 2 Asked a question What is peroxide effect? Explain giving one example.The addition of HBr to unsymmetrical alkenes against the Markownikoff s rule is called peroxide effect or Anti Markownikoff s rule. According to this effect, “the negative part of the unsymmetrical attacking... March 16, 2021 2 Received an upvote December 30, 2020 10 Received an upvote December 28, 2020 10 Posted an answer can enzyme extracted from aspergillus niger?The enzyme was extracted from Aspergillus niger by growing it in Czapecl dox media broth and filtration followed by centrifugation. Measurement of activity showed 0.342 µ mol/min in polygalacturonase... December 28, 2020 5 Asked a question What is Enzyme ? December 3, 2020 2